Ver una lista completa de los cambios y las nuevas características de cada versión del software dental Planmeca Romexis®.
- Over 100 new features
- Workflow improvements, including faster design of single-unit restorations, automated pre-op workflow, free-forming visualisations, and margin repair tool.
- New Romexis CADCAM Design module
- Nerve tools for Explorer module.
- Romexis Ortho Simulator for orthodontic treatment simulation
- Segmentation of deciduous dentition with Romexis Smart
- New gimbal control for 3D implant planning
- Second Opinion® integration – AI tool for 2D imaging
- Romexis Smart – AI tool for 3D imaging
- New 3D rendering style
- UNDO and REDO for implants
- Several improvements to CMF Surgery module
- Improved intraoral scanning workflow
- New 2D Cephalometric module
- macOs 12 and 13 support
- Saving image browser settings
- General portal launch for 2D and 3D modules
- New SuperPan tool for improved pseudopanoramic image
- Redesigned System Administration module
- New CAD/CAM module for scan-and-send workflow including versatile viewing and analysing possibilities
- Security improvements
- Rotate and crop tools for 2D images
- Comparing two image studies
- Improvements in 3D implant guide module
- Improved buccal bite alignment
- New language versions available
- Modified button controls
- New 3D Cephalometry module
- New improved CMF Surgery module
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- Locking image feature for 2D images
- Automatic import for photos
- Dental PACS – Query/retrieve SCP support
- Improved virtual cephalometric image creation in 3D module
- New version of cephalometric analysis module
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- Redesigned user interface
- New module for designing full dentures
- New module for designing partial denture frameworks
- New Planmeca PlanCAM™ 3.1 software version
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- Global alignment feature
- Improvements in Active Delete function and buccal alignment
- More flexibility with scan patterns
- New live view options
- Viteo Base Ti implant workflow also available for Planmeca PlanMill® 30 S
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NEW! Modern look and feel with improvements in usability
NEW! Workflow wizards
NEW! Single image browser for all patient images
NEW! Floating 2D image windows
NEW! Implant libraries
- New Smile Creator module
- New Implant libraries
- Automatic activation of add-on modules
- Material configuration updates
- Model generation improvements
- Interim model improvements
- 360° scanning
- (Open bite scanning option)
- Support for Planmeca Emerald™ S intraoral scanner
- Shade Assistant functionality
- Improved removal of unwanted data
- New abutment design and milling workflow
- Reduction of the milling times of Planmeca PlanMill® 30 S
- New design tools such as disc cutter
- Virtual articulator enhancements
- Model Creator module with gingiva masks
- New Implant libraries
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- New! Romexis CMF Surgery module
- New! Romexis Dental PACS
- Model comparison and base creation in Model Analyser
- Guide design for immediate implant placement
- Smile Design photorealism improvements
- New! Model Analyser module
- STL export of all 3D objects
- Implant guide support for edentulous cases
- Fixation pins added to Implant Library
- Button and motion controls
- Contralateral tooth copy
- HD Snapshot superimposing
Release version 5.1.R further improves the software's quality and introduces new implants and surgical kits to the Planmeca Romexis® implant library.
- Tool for cleaning the 3D rendering
- Tooth numbering for implant planning
- Automatic report for implant planning and guide
- Workflow templates for 4D Jaw Motion
- Automatic positioning of cephalometric landmarks
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- Full screen mode in 2D module
- 3D root canal measurement tool
- New 3D airway measurement tool
- Implant Planning and Guide module improvements
- Automatic cephalometric analysis service
- Grid tool and object browser for Smile Design module
- Several improvements for 4D Jaw Motion
- Romexis Veterinary Edition
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- Planmeca mRomexis: 2D x-ray image capturing
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- Video link button to tutorial videos collection
- New 3D Jaw segmenting tool
- New Shaping tool for ProFace images
- Keyboard shortcuts in 3D module
- Renewed Planmeca Romexis Cloud user interface
- New Implant guide design module for beta testing
Aspectos destacados:
- Mejoras en la velocidad
- Imágenes 3D: nueva vista centrada en el implante y opción de extracción de diente segmentado
- Imágenes 2D: captura directa de imágenes con Planmeca ProScanner y TWAIN en una plantilla de estudio para Windows
- Mejoras en Planmeca Romexis® Smile Design
- Mejoras en Planmeca Romexis® Viewer
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Aspectos destacados:
- Módulo de superposición 3D
- Herramienta de segmentación de dientes 3D
- Compatibilidad con el módulo Planmeca Romexis® Smile Design para los tonos de los dientes
- Mejoras en el módulo CAD/CAM
- Dim mode
- Active filtering tool
- Snapshot function
- Dynamic bite alignment function
- Bite refinement tool
- Occlusal contacts heat map and prep clearance
- Bilateral bite scan option
- Restoration positioning for Vita ENAMIC multiColor™
- Material support for Straumann n!ce
- Material Support for IPS e.max ZirCAD™
- Implant workflow for abutment design
- Copy/Mirror tool
- Gingiva design
- Semi-automatic tooth placement
- Chain mode
- Virtual wax-up workflow
- Anatomical bridges without connectors
- New shrinking features
- Crown bottom design
- Material configuration ypdates for Planmeca PlanMill units
- Improved import option for Planmeca Emerald and Planmeca PlanScan
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Aspectos destacados:
- Herramienta de partición para imágenes 2D
- Opción para crear volúmenes nuevos a partir de volúmenes 3D recortados
- Función de rotación a objetivo visual de tratamiento en el módulo Cephalometric
- Actualización de la biblioteca de implantes
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Aspectos destacados:
- Planmeca Clarify™ – Nuevo filtro de mejora de contraste para imagen de rayos X 2D
- Vistas panorámicas 3D renderizadas
- Nuevo modo de navegación de plano ortográfico en el explorador 3D
- Nueva versión del módulo Planmeca Romexis® Cephalometric Analysis
Aspectos destacados:
- Nuevo módulo CAD/CAM y Planmeca PlanCAD® Easy
- Actualización del software Ortho Studio - Básica y avanzada
- Actualización de la biblioteca de implantes
Aspectos destacados:
- Nuevas herramientas de autoenfoque para cortes panorámicos perfectos
- ProFace y Asistente de correspondencia STL
- Nuevas opciones de instantánea 2D
- Nuevos cuadros de diálogo de exportación
Aspectos destacados:
- Nueva función de coloreado de las vías respiratorias en la herramienta de crecimiento de región 3D
- Autoajuste panorámico
- Nueva herramienta marcadora de ROI en el módulo ProFace & Surface
- Integración de Planmeca Romexis® 3D Ortho Studio
Aspectos destacados:
- Servicio Planmeca Romexis® Cloud
- Mejoras en el módulo Planmeca Romexis® ProFace & Surface
- Posibilidad de adjuntar documentos
- Formulario de pedido de 3D Diagnostix
Aspectos destacados:
- Nuevo botón de captura de impresión
- Módulo Planmeca Romexis® Cephalometric Analysis
- Biblioteca de coronas genérica en el módulo de planificación de implantes
- Actualización de la biblioteca de implantes
- New user interface
- Easier block and pin positioning
- New stock handling
- Support for all Planmeca PlanMill blocks
- Multicolour visualisation
- Adjustment tools and stabilizers
- Simulation calculation with residual material visualisation
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